Known in the US and Australia as DP Saddlery

DP saddles are mostly made to order but we do carry a number in stock ready for immediate delivery.
Please visit our DP Saddlery website for further details.
The DP Saddles are available with the patented continuously adjustable gullet system, which allows the rider to easily narrow or widen the width by as much as necessary, or fine tune the fit by just a fraction of an inch via Allen Wrench, without ever having to take the saddle apart. This system is adjustable from K1-K5 (compare to narrow through to extra-wide), which is comparable to the Sprenger Measuring System for Withers: Size 6 though to Size 2.
As standard, all of the DP saddles are built on the flexible Ultra-Flex Saddle tree, made out of high quality Carbon Fibre. The advantage of our Ultra-Flex tree is that although they are slightly flexible, they will not collapse underneath a riders weight, while allowing the horse to move out freely. A great benefit of the Ultra-Flex tree is that it's also very light weight and most riders enjoy this benefit greatly. We take great pride in bringing you one of the best and most reliable flexible trees available on today's market.
For riders over 200 lbs (90 kgs), we also make a special tree, called PP10, which is reinforced alongside the seat area to allow maximum stability and durability while still allowing flexibility on the areas of the tree that are relevant to the horses' movement. Please note: PP10 trees are only available to special order.
Many models can be ordered with our Leather tree. Our leather trees are real trees, not to be confused with a treeless saddle, as they are handmade out of many layers of high quality vegetable tanned hides, sewn together to shape the form of a saddle tree. It would be incorrect to assume that these are treeless. Leather tree saddles provide maximum comfort for horse and rider and while leather takes a few weeks of riding to "break-in", it will provide the most true fit, close contact and feel for the horse and rider, out of all the treed saddles. Please note that we do not recommend this type of tree for beginning or imbalanced riders, as the trees will also shape to the rider, and can then cause imbalances. It is solely recommended for the intermediate to advanced rider, who is seeking absolute refinement.